INvolution Yoga Training


Empower the Teacher Within

Become a Teacher

A Woman Meditating

The world does not need more yoga instructors.

The world needs more yogis.


That is why, rather than offering Yoga Teacher Training, Natasha Schaffer and staff offer “Yoga Training” in mentorship format, with emphasis on personal practice development. Our focus is not so much on perfection of poses, but, rather, on extracting therapeutic quality out of each yoga pose and technique – so that your practice truly supports your daily needs, be it physical healing, energetic well being, or emotional mastery.

With ever growing number of Yoga Teacher Training programs humanity at large is still struggling with: anger, anxiety, fear, greed, doubt, sorrow. Sages of old developed and tested a science of overcoming those conditions. YOGA, in it’s authentic form, can heal body, mind and spirit from inside out, giving the power of reclaiming health, peace and vitality back into the hands of an individual. If, equipped with simple tools of yoga, each member of society knew how to calm down, reclaim clarity of mind, access inspiration, and summon the will power to act on it – would we enjoy life as a healthier society? Added: This change must happen for each of us at a personal level, preceded by desire to change. Rather than looking for students, INvolution Yoga is here for those who are looking for deeper learning. When a student is ready, the Teacher appears. Right teacher will see a student for their unique strengths and challenges, and guide them down a yoga path that is appropriate for them.

Transmission of teachings is done 1 on 1 – from Teacher to Student. Group learning time is offered and encouraged. Come as you are – ready: to learn, to change, to grow. And, if the teachings mature into desire to share – INvolution Yoga Training program meets 200YTT Yoga Alliance requirements. Added: INvolution Yoga Training holds Student/Teacher relationship as sacred, resting on compassion, integrity and trust. Personal practice development is at the forefront of our studies together.

Our core principle of practice development is SUSTAINABILITY:
yoga should SUSTAIN personal ABILITY to do what makes us truly shine in the world.

Involution Yoga is here to guide and provide a basis for understanding your yoga path as gradual progression towards life of greater ease, capacity, joy and FREEDOM.

​Thus, INvolution Yoga Training mission:

Educate to Liberate


Meet Natasha, INvolution Yoga Training Director and Lead Trainer

I am not here to teach you what I know and can do.
I am here to help you remember what You know and can do.

Our core aim: INTEGRITY

  • light and stable body
  • healthy respiratory system
  • balanced digestion and elimination
  • balanced nervous system

This is accomplished with principles of vinyasa krama (wise progression) and pratikriya (counteraction), integrated into our sequencing modules

  • power
  • containment

A body without power is inefficient. A body that leaks power is dangerous. In INvolution yoga training we treat the body as a vessel that contains energy. Structure of this vessel is conditioned and reinforced through utilizing principle of tensegrity in physical poses, as well as pranayama for safely shaping the energy we hold to be the energy we need for our healthy functioning.


Emotions are body’s response to thoughts. So in this yoga training we look at the body as record of our feelings, and we target specific areas to release those feelings in order to be less swept up in them. What we can FEEL we can HEAL.

  • healthy breath is a medium to healthy mind
  • balanced nervous system
  • honest self-analysis

INvolution yoga training does not get ahead of basics: the way to mental health lies through healthy breath and nervous system in a healthy body. Only then can any meditation practice be fruitful. Our approach to mental health is very pragmatic and systematic. No fluff here. Only proven yoga science.

  • as within, so without

We are made of the same elements as the natural world and are governed by the same laws. We are not separate from Nature, but one with it. The sequencing in INvolution Yoga Training follows natural law and order, which integrates us into our environment and life seamlessly, reducing conditions for conflict. If you are compelled by logic of Nature, INvolution Yoga Training is for you.

  • Treat others as I wish to be treated

Thorough examination and adherence to yoga Sutra philosophy, specifically, the 10 commandments of relating to oneself and the world, are integrated throughout this yoga training and discussed in practice

  • oneness with highest truth of who I am

As authentic teachings of yoga are integrated into practice, there comes a dawning of higher perception: Spirit is not something we go to find, SPIRIT is who we ARE. With this glimpse into our true nature, we are ready to uncover and empower our highest purpose (explored deeper in the CHILD of PRANA Method)

tilt shift lens photography of person holding white feather

Start your Journey


Are you feeling the quiet pull of an ancient tradition?

Do you have a calling to facilitate yoga experience for others?

Learn how INvolution Yoga Training can help you:

– deepen your own personal practice

– teach yoga safely and effectively

for the highest good of all

Recent testimonials from Involution Yoga Training graduates

I met Natasha as a long term student of yoga at a time I was looking for a much more in depth knowledge of philosophy, practicum and pragmatism. She delivered the most comprehensive, sensitive and authentic study and I came away from the experience profoundly changed. She completely addressed my personal understanding of both the practice and its application to my life.

I now grasp my doshic constitution and challenges through the lens of Ayurveda: my pitta propensity and my vata lifestyle. Through asana (posture), Natasha helped identify my lifelong habit of working my body/mind to its limits and taught me to soften  effort to find ease and energetic restoration in my body. Also, I’ve integrated daily habits that stay with me years later based on our study of Ayurveda that include cooling, calming and restorative practices such as self oil massage, eating habits, use of tonic herbs and overall awareness of activities and environment that promotes more balance in my life.

Natasha is the teacher’s teacher, the real deal. She continues to dig deep as a scholar of yoga. In an age of consumer yoga, Natasha’s training has been a grounding gem of an opportunity. As a student of 25 years, I knew I stumbled upon a rare bird of a teacher and the training has been both pragmatic and esoteric, worth waiting for!

Plus, Natasha is fun! I had a blast! ….LOL

Aimee Pelletier

Lanscape Designer

The yoga teacher training at Involution Yoga completely changed my life. Not only did it provide me with the tools to be able to teach and share the love of yoga with others, but it has given me a foundation of how to live my life. Natasha has so much knowledge and authenticity in her teachings. She is a true teacher in every sense of the word and will always be my first Guru

Vikki Narayan


Natasha embodies the authentic teachings of yoga and brings a better understanding of yoga, both on and off the mat.  My personal practice is enhanced exponentially and my students love the benefits of my training.  I am incredibly grateful for her ability to teach the ancient texts for the modern-day yogi

Marci Lash

Etiquette Coach


We are located in Ann Arbor, MI, USA


(734) 239-3174

Questions? Send us a message: