Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to some of the common questions we get about working within the Calm Accelerator LLC framework. Sometimes, however, it is simply best to talk. If you do not see the answers you are looking for, then schedule a time to talk and let’s get on the phone. We offer a FREE 30 minute consultation to help you get clear on WHAT, WHY and HOW of working with us.

short-coated brown dog
I have already tried everything, how do I know this will work?

You don’t. Until you DO what we teach you. Calm Accelerator follows a  proactive approach to health, rather than a “pill” solution. Our formula is simple for each and every day of life:

We give you right KNOWLEDGE, we help you establish right ACTION. But only YOU can put the two together to get HEALTH. 

What if I don't have specific symptoms, but I just know that something is wrong. Can you help me get clear on what it is and what to do about it?

Yes. Some pain can not be pinpointed or seen. We help you understand the anatomy of pain, what causes it where in the body, and how to deal with it.

Do I have to have experience with yoga?

No. You do not have to be flexible, vegan, spiritual or anything else other than: your sincere self, able and willing to move, breathe, and try new things. Our methodologies work for all people, regardless of their level of experience or prior exposure to yoga, ayurveda, metaphisics, or nutritional healing.

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes. You can pay in full for any of our programs. OR, pay monthly at a rate established for each program.

Still more questions?

Don’t be deterred by the unknown. Take the first step:


We are located in Ann Arbor, MI, USA


(734) 239-3174

Questions? Send us a message: