Autoimmune diseases are the fastest growing category of disease, affecting today 1 in 12 people worldwide with cost of treatment having escalated x7 in the last decade (see statistics).

There are 125 autoimmune disease having been classified already, and more are appearing.

The diversity of autoimmune expression is staggering: tissues, organs and systems affected vary vastly, and more than one are often present in any given individual.

The medical community has identified triggers of autoimmunity, classified bodily components involved, and yet… no definitive cure has been found.

In the end, modern medicine still leaves us with “we don’t know enough about it” as to the root causes and cures for autoimmune disease.

But there are also ancient healing traditions. Ayurveda, being the oldest, offers a broader perspective on WHY, WHAT and HOW of autoimmune disease…


Autoimmunity: get real answers from Ayurveda


All of us come into this world with unique set of genetics (prakruti – what we inherit from family, culture, society, place). This can be described as our propensity … toward certain illnesses and how we weather them.

With that prakruti we arrive into unique set of circumstances (vikruti – environment, relationships, work, lifestyle – all potential “triggers”) that shape the quality of our living.

Sometimes, our circumstances (vikruti) overwhelm our natural propensity (prakruti),setting into motion the  process of pathogenesis (disease development).

At early stages we can avert that process. But often the initial symptoms continue to develop and escalate, affecting not just the first line of defense (mucus membranes, digestion, skin, respiratory pathways), but advancing toward less protected, deeper tissues (plasma, blood, organs, muscle, bones, nerves, etc.).

If left unchecked, this pathogenesis eventually disrupts cellular intelligence, affecting the very essence of our bodily tissues – IMMUNITY, causing it to malfunction in a viscous cycle of AUTOIMMUNITY, fueling an ongoing erosion of bodily tissues and systems.

That’s the bad news.

Good news? Ayurveda says that we can do something about it.

Ever heard of “lemons => lemonade” expression?

It does, in fact, describe the purpose of Yoga and Ayurveda – to make good with what we have (propensity and triggers (lemons) => lasting health (lemonade).

We get there with knowledge that Ayurveda provides, enabling us to:

a. prevent the disease potential in us from derailing into life time of chronic pain

b. stop disease that is already present from further eroding our health and sanity

c. reverse the disease process

In case with autoimmunity, yoga can help us relax and target the affected bodily tissues and systems via balancing stretches that will restore cellular intelligence, strengthen the tissues, restoring true immunity, and replenish vitality – to help us feel more alive in our better, healthier self.

Ayurveda, in turn, can support us with appropriate nutrition, herbs, lifestyle practices and understanding of autoimmune process, providing the most important ingredient to healing: KNOWLEDGE (this is in contrast to western medicine, that observes and treats symptoms, but doesn’t provide an actual understanding of root causes).

So, if you or someone you know are:

Stuck in viscous cycle of autoimmune condition(s)

Tired of medications and merry-go-round of trigger avoidance

Frustrated with doctor’s “we don’t know enough about it”

Ready for real answers

I laid it all out in a webinar:

“Ayurveda and Autoimmune Disease”


where a broader perspective on autoimmunity is given: ROOT CAUSE, pathogenesis and concrete steps you can take now to reverse it. YES, reverse it.

You can watch excerpts from the webinar in this playlist on @calmaccelerator YouTube channel.

Click on the link in first comment under each excerpt to get to the full version complete with interactive PDF slides, embedded video practices, links to supplies & remedies, and a way to GET HELP.

Takeaways you can expect:

  • insight into the nature of any given autoimmune condition
  • doable and cost effective things you can do right away to improve it
  • long-term strategy you can integrate step by step to reverse the condition

IF you:

  1. watch “Ayurveda and Autoimmune Disease” webinar
  2. try the things shared there
  3. and still need more guidance

– you are eligible to take advantage of a special AUTOIMMUNITY CASE STUDY 50% discount off 1:1 Integral Health Coaching Session, available at this scheduling link:

Autoimmunity Case Study 50% OFF Special

That rate will hold for as many consultations as you need until YOU GET IMPROVEMENT!

What I will NOT promise: a miracle.

What I CAN GUARANTEE: a positive change in the way you feel, IF you implement even 5% of the protocol I give you after our session. Space is limited, so schedule your time slot now:

Autoimmunity Case Study 50% OFF Special

Why do it?

  • Because you are not satisfied with medical advice or treatment you got so far.
  • You know there is a better way out of the autoimmune quagmire you are in.
  • You deserve fulfillment in life, and your dis-ease stands in the way 

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Natasha Schaffer

Founder and Head Coach of Calm Accelerator, LLC and all of its programs, Holistic Health Coach, Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, ERYT500, Meditation Coach and Yoga Mentor
Read more about Natasha here


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