Upper Respiratory Function (UDANA): Harness the Energy of Growth

Upper Respiratory Function (UDANA): Harness the Energy of Growth

Spring is GROW time for all living beings: Udana Vayu

and how to harness it with CHILD of PRANA method

Spring time – all living beings birth and grow at this time. So should we. The energy that governs that growth is present all around us, and it moves UPWARD. To stay aligned with Nature, in the Spring we would be wise to step on an upward trajectory of growth. If not physical, then professional, creative, spiritual. I talk more about Udana Vayu in this video:

Ready for new YOU?

Learn how to reclaim, renew and recalibrate your LIFE using the CHILD of PRANA Method 


HEART and SHOULDERS: lift heavy emotions

HEART and SHOULDERS: lift heavy emotions

Heavy Emotions

and how to lift them with CHILD of PRANA method:

Practice for late Spring – when the heaviness of winter lingers on in the subtle body – we might feel a “heavy heart”, whether is was brought on by an actual event, or simply is a prolonged case of “blues”. This kind of emotional heaviness occurs in the subtle body. To get to this deeper level we need an accelerated technique.

This modification of triangle pose powerfully opens the lymph, heart and lungs, promoting the flow of “stuck” and dense energy in the body and mind: sorrow, grief, hopelessness, depression. Watch and practice:


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