The “Goddess Syndrome”

The “Goddess Syndrome”

Another victim of pervasive “Goddess Syndrome” bit the dust. There’s one for each passing day, it seems.

Each day, another summon call to the “Inner Goddess” echoes off social media screens with beautiful face and body behind it cooing words of freedom, self-realization and untold manifested riches should we click the button (some even exhibit the 6-figure income promise).

Humbly sharing only teachings thoroughly assimilated and passed on to me down the line of Himalayan (=highest peaks) Masters, I see that beauty, I hear that sexy cooing. And a leettle voice inside me squeaks: “why aren’t you THIS “out there”? Where is your Goddess, you, UNrealized, UNpretty, aged and tired, barely keeping it together pathetic NOT Goddess? What riches do you have to add to glory of Divine, you UNDERwhelming whimp?!”…

… As if what has already been accomplished is not enough. As if the everyday achievement of being an honest human doing honest work is not enough.

A black hole in  stardom heaven opens up – through which I FEEL my self-worth leaking, leaking, leaking…  Oh-oh, I I’ve succumbed to the Goddess syndrome!

And then I remember…. FEEL, SEEL, HEAL .. the hole!

FEEL: the shame and sorrow in the heart
SEEL: take hiatus from social media and replace it with local salt-of-the-earth community
HEAL: Remember UNpretty, UNsexy, OVERworked, OVER tired Mothers who raised humanity. All of us. Remember my Mother and Her Mother, and Mother Russia – yeah, the Mother who defeated nazis in WWII. And my Soul is repaired with that strength and courage.

And I worship that Mother: Unseen, UNpraised and UNDEFEATED.

Embrace your TRUE Nature

Beneath the buzz of should-would-could, there lie the roots – our true origins. You are a CHILD all right. Your Mother, like no other, is shared by all – her name is Nature, her Breath is PRANA. Are you ready to embrace and learn from Her? CHILD of PRANA Program is for you.


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