Module 2: Stage 1 - PRELIMINARY, Purification

Last activity on March 4, 2025

AM Practice: Vessel Conditioning – Pure and Strong

A moderate conditioning set for our VESSEL (body=container of energy). Although subtle, this practice creates awareness around the core, gently strengthening it, while maintaining it’s supple qualities: smooth, deep, even, relaxed (I am still talking about the breath, of course 🙂 A great daily maintenance for any stage in practice. Get that one under your belt. For any time, especially when feeling anxious, unstable and uncertain.

Ayurvedic focus: tri-doshic, Vata


Do the practice, notice how you feel afterward.

Remember it for vulnerable times.

Natasha Schaffer

Founder and Head Coach of Calm Accelerator, LLC and all of its programs, Holistic Health Coach, Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, ERYT500, Meditation Coach and Yoga Mentor
Read more about Natasha here

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