Last activity on March 4, 2025
Now that we are used to the idea of linking breath to steps when we walk – let’s start to shape the breath.
We know that SAMA VRITTI (=equal) ratio of 1:1 (inhalation = exhalation) is the foundational breath pattern of stability (=container).
For Purification stage of Hatha yoga we will use purification breath pattern: 1:2 ratio.
Your exhalation will eventually become twice as long as your exhalation.
This 1:2 breath ratio is the basic patter necessary for purification – exhalation removes waste from the body and mind, therefore, it is considered LANGHANA (=reducing) aspect of breath.
We work up to a 1:2 breath ratio, with your inhalation to a factor of 1, and exhalation to a factor of 2. This gradual increase of exhalation is called EXHALE KRAMA (krama=progression).
Yogis maintain that the first breath we took was, indeed, the breath we gave: EXHALATION. Without proper exhalation there can be no inhalation. Therefore, exhalation is given more priority at this stage of Hatha progression, because is it foundational, and necessary to master BEFORE we start cultivation of Prana (energy).
Adapt exhale karma to your daily walk (using steps as counts)
Founder and Head Coach of Calm Accelerator, LLC and all of its programs, Holistic Health Coach, Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, ERYT500, Meditation Coach and Yoga Mentor
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