Module 4: Stage 3 - MOON, Calm

Last activity on March 4, 2025

VAYUS: 5 pranic currents

5 VAYUS Summary

Prana is like an ocean – we are all in it, of it and sustained by it. And, like an ocean, it has currents and sub currents.

Upon entering our body Prana splits into 5 major sub currents, for which yogis manage with asanapranayamameditation, and mudra.


Read the 5 VAYUS Summary document several times, pausing and observing the guys in your own body.

Natasha Schaffer

Founder and Head Coach of Calm Accelerator, LLC and all of its programs, Holistic Health Coach, Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, ERYT500, Meditation Coach and Yoga Mentor
Read more about Natasha here

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