We are ready for Stage 7 of Hatha Progression: Absorption in SPIRIT.
At this stage we are creating inner transformation by using mind’s power of imagination in shaping our inner reality in the desired way. This is the most subtle, hidden power of yoga – providing hidden healing: not seen but, rather, felt.
We have made the body healthy, pure and stable.
We have calmed and stabilized the Mind.
We have become aware that there is a subtle force that constantly nourishes and guides our physiological functioning: PRANA
We have developed an understanding of how to harness the prana we need, without loosing the prana we have: through asana, pranayama, food, lifestyle.
We have become more deliberate on (and off) the mat: our Practice has evolved into Call to the Moment at hand, no matter how small a window we have.
We have reached a point of being able to expand and grow in the qualities we desire.
We are ready for Stage 7 of Hatha Progression: Absorption in SPIRIT.
In this stage we are creating inner transformation by using mind’s power of imagination in shaping our inner reality in the desired way. This is the most subtle, hidden power of yoga – providing hidden healing: not seen but, rather, felt.
As FIRE is a force of ASCENSION (evolution, absorption in higher reality, abiding in highest Self), we spend some time on maintenance of healthy Vata dosha. Vata, in it’s balanced state is inspiring, creative, spiritually inclined and expansive. But, of course, to benefit from those positive traits, we need to keep it contained, focused, grounded and strong.
Founder and Head Coach of Calm Accelerator, LLC and all of its programs, Holistic Health Coach, Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, ERYT500, Meditation Coach and Yoga Mentor
Read more about Natasha here
An energetic restorative tune-up: brings awareness to the chakra system, BALANCING the chakras.
Because Mind and Energy are like 2 fish - they always swim together, to calm our nervous system down, we use imagery, visualization, imagination to engage the mind with the energy that calms us down and activates Rest & Digest response.
Tibetan Color Purification Kriya
Kriya is a category of tantric technique that utilizes power of the mind to latch on to breath, imagery, sensation in order to achieve a desired mental or physical state. Tibetan Color Purification kriya is a powerful makeover technique that purifies our energy field and balances the nervous system. Subtle, this practice takes time to feel the effect of.