SUMMER SKIN for most people is not what we see in IG vacation selfies…

Golden rule of summer: the heat is ON, the skin is OFF

It’s mid-July, and my summer body is already sporting colorful swells of:

  • pimples

  • poison ivy

  • insect bites

  • blisters

  • cuts

  • patch of eczema

  • rash of unknown origin and

  • protruding pulsing veins

    Yep, Pitta dosha season is here: FIRE and WATER elements are increased in nature outside and inside us, showing up first and foremost on our SKIN…

    And you know what helps the summer skin? Something that would BALANCE the hot and wet qualities of FIRE and WATER…. Something that would COOL and DRY those red swells of Pitta on our skin… like


Cooling and mildly drying, it is your perfect summer skincare!

NEEM is prized in Ayurveda for it’s cooling, drying, calming qualities and, most of all, for it’s affinity for SKIN! It can be used internally in form of powder (with spoonful of honey or in tea, but watch out for it’s very bitter taste!), topically as oil / moisturizer), paste (powder mixed with a little water for spot treatment), or water solution as a toner. It effectively drops internal heat and calms external appearance. Here are some of my favorite and easy uses:


Apply Neem Oil BEFORE shower all over the body. Wait 10 min, then either rinse off (use very little soap) or wipe off excess and enjoy yourself in cooler, calmer, softer skin. Especially good on feet (as they are a hot site of pitta dosha).


Neem Oil also makes a wonderful facial cleanser for oily, acne-prone skin: simply apply to face with circular strokes, then wash off. In the morning, add a spritz of DIY facial toner made with 1/2 teaspoon of Neem Powder and distilled water in a spray bottle. Your face with thank you 🙂

Finally, use a high quality organic Neem Oil – your skin is like your mouth, everything you put on it should be FOOD to your tissues (skin consists of 7 layers, representing 7 bodily tissues), it is your largest organ, and it deserves the best. Plus, a high quality Neem Oil is less unctuous, more clear – it will not make you or your sheets sticky and stained!

Here is best quality organic, sustainably sourced Neem Oil around.

I’d get the large size and put a little bottle in every purse, car, and bathroom. In fact, I already did… LOL

My legs are already 50% better overnight: poison ivy patches dried up and paled in color, all itching subsided, and blisters emptied of fluid. Neem worked it’s magic on my Pitta skin as it does every time. Without fail.

So, grab yourself a bottle of this Nature’s wonder potion and enjoy this summer in your best skin!

NOTE: if your skin condition is chronic, you may need a more comprehensive protocol that might include Bhringaraj powder or Manjista. For specific chronic skin conditions, please schedule your Ayurveda Wellness Consultation to get a comprehensive protocol in place for long-term healing.


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Natasha Schaffer

Founder and Head Coach of Calm Accelerator, LLC and all of its programs, Holistic Health Coach, Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, ERYT500, Meditation Coach and Yoga Mentor
Read more about Natasha here


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